About My Graphics
  at 6:51 AM

My graphics are mostly small and simple. I love simple and love cute so that's what I do with simple cuteness... creating fun! 
 I make all my own graphics using Paint Shop Pro 8, which I've used since 1999 I think is when hubby bought it, a long time ago anyway. The link above is from PC Magazine review page.

I have used a few tutorials found online like snow globes, teddy bears etc. I learned a great deal using tutorials but I learned much more by trial and error. I hand draw, pixel by pixel. Once I learned about layers and the other fun tools, my options were unlimited and have a blast creating fun!
I also make tubes out of almost all of my graphics. That way I can insert a tube in any graphical situation I'm working on, in any size keeping the original pixels in tact.
Certain characters I've created I can even change their clothes like a paper doll by using them as tubes, so cool.

I don't make graphics much these days. I use to frequent Christian forums and made tons for that, it was fun but those days are gone. Instead of having them waste away in a folder on my computer, I thought I'd share them here.

If you have any questions or comments please use the comment box below.
Thank you for your interest and have a blessed day!



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