Saturday, February 27, 2010  at 10:09 AM

What a beautiful Saturday morning! Well, it would be much better if fweety would let me help him with the fence. We're putting a piece of fence back up on the side of the house to keep Frazier and Niles from the back yard and destroying the garden this Spring. Plus my roses, fig trees and grape vines, they tinkle on those and kills most of it. Not this year!!

Oh, I need a new weed eater too. I wore my old one out. It only lasted 1 or 2 years, (made in China). I bought one at a garage sale for $5 one time, from Sears! It was old when I bought it and it lasted for about 10 years I think. American made that's why.

My coffee is done!

A Rainy Thursday
Friday, February 26, 2010  at 10:12 AM

Today's weather is really yucky! Hubby went to town and asked if I wanted to go, not! Hehe. I hate going to town. I don't like going anywhere for that matter.
I've been working on my blog's layout for a few days. I love the way it looks. Had to do lots of figuring to get this much done for my background to show half way decent.
My coffee is brewing, mmmm, the house smells so good! My favorite isle in the grocery store is the coffee isle. I love coffee aromas, awesome.

Toyota - Made In China?

You know, when the Toyota car racing-gas peddle-floor mat news broke, my first thought and warning light was, "made in China". Almost every single thing China makes breaks, unravels, thins out, falls apart--totally trash! You may buy something American made but the parts, circuit boards, switches are probably made in China!!
This morning I typed in the search engine, 'are Toyota's made in China' and found this site, so I pasted some very interesting stuff...

TOKYO, July 2, 2003; Reuters reported that Toyota Motor Corp, Japan's top automaker, is in talks to tie up with China's Guangzhou Automobile Group to produce passenger cars in the southern Chinese city of Guangzhou, Japanese media reported on Wednesday.

Various media, including the Tokyo Shimbun daily and the Kyodo News agency, said the two automakers were finalising an agreement to form a joint venture and begin producing the Camry sedan at a new plant starting in 2005 at the earliest.
Full story...

Very interesting, don't ya think?

Credit Card Dept Fix
Monday, February 22, 2010  at 9:54 AM

This is the only fail safe fix for credit card dept. Credit cards are abused, misused and a way of (economic) life for the majority of Americans. Our country really needs to change our whole way of thinking. If we can't pay cash, that means we can't afford it. If we can't afford it, we do without till we can. That's the way it used to be.
The American Dream is (over) a vision of the past. It does not exist any more. It's gone, been spent on greedy appetites, feeding the tapeworm-corruption.
Our new dream is to be dept free. When you are dept free you are free indeed.
I would suggest anyone in dept from credit cards to cut it-them up in peaces and mail it-them in with your bill and vow to never charge again.
When we ow, in dept, we are slaves to those we are in dept with.
I am a slave to no man. I do not own a credit card. If I can't pay cash I don't buy, why? It's the simplest and most productive way of life and it's an American dream. I'm dept free and living the American Dream.

  at 7:25 AM

The best I was in my whole life was when I was just a kid, before I learned what not to do.
My favorite word is Simple. Simple is absolutely the dimple on life's complicated face!

I like simple rules and I live by just one; Treat others as if they were you... up close.
I like simple facts; they detour lies.
Simple instructions; less chance for errors.
Simple recipes; leaves more time to eat.

It seems God even favors 'simple'. His plan for us is as simple as it gets.
(John 3:16)

Still Waiting
Sunday, February 21, 2010  at 11:53 AM

Still waiting on a smart signal from Palin. A sign that maybe someone is home, just not answering the door?

Wanted: Dead Hogs

Wayne Stewart
East Texas Farm & Ranch News

Wild hogs have inflicted a great deal of damage on East Texas landowners, now they have a chance to get back as part of a Houston County 4-H Shooting Sports project.

The First Annual East Texas Wild Hog Roundup will take place later this month and in March. The feral hog harvest will take place in Houston, Leon, Madison, Anderson, Angelina, Cherokee and Trinity counties.

“You can’t drive these roads around East Texas and not see some of the damage they’ve done,” said David Williamson with the Houston County 4-H Shooting Sports Program. “You can’t drive down the road without seeing a dead one someone hit with their car.”
Read full story...

One early summer morning a whole herd of those hogs were behind my back fence in the woods. They were making the most horrid noises I had ever heard. Snorting and grunting loudly. Scary too. They did do some damage all around this area. Haven't seen or heard one since then though.

Puppy Pics-Picadoos
Saturday, February 13, 2010  at 11:16 AM

These are thumbnail images of my best friends Frazier and Niles. They are rotten to the core, hehe.

They love to stare out the window at Miss Pixie, our neighbor's dog. They are the Popperotzi of our street and when there's a Pixie siting, they scramble in a frantic to get a peek.

Snow Day
Friday, February 12, 2010  at 1:57 PM

The most beautiful site I have ever seen! That's what it looked like at our house this morning and this is one of me walking down our street. I had to downsize it more than half for the sake of time. The actual size shows the beauty of the icy trees.

Sarah Palin-Why haven't responsible Republicans spoken out against her?

That is the best question of this age!!! Why? Sarah Palin is the 'Tiny Tim' of politics, a joke, yet not enough folks speak out against her clown act! She is putting on an act. She doesn't know anything about running a country.
Are there any Republican grown-ups out there, and, if there are, will they ever start coming to the aid of their party?
That sentence could segue into any number of topics, but the one at hand is Sarah Palin, her Saturday-night speech at the Tea Party "convention," and her morning-after declaration on Fox News that, yes, a White House run is on her mind.

Do responsible Republicans (if the phrase hasn't lapsed from disuse) really want this pumped-up incarnation of Larry "Lonesome" Rhodes as their standard bearer?

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Should We Wait?
Tuesday, February 09, 2010  at 5:56 AM

This is where Palin Smartness goes. Hasn't arrived yet. I'll put on another pot, it's gonna be a long wait on this one but... should we wait?

Political Embarrassments
Monday, February 08, 2010  at 6:04 AM

Top 10 Embarrassing Things that Didn't Stop People from Getting Elected
This is the first one.

When Grover Cleveland was the Democratic nominee for President in 1884, reports surfaced that the then unmarried politician had fathered an illegitimate child with a widow named Maria Crofts Halpin. The New York governor publicly ignored the scandal but told his close supporters to "tell the truth" — that he may have been the father of 10-year-old Oscar Folsom Cleveland. Even Halpin didn't know for certain who Oscar's father was; the boy had been named after Cleveland because he was the only unmarried possibility. Without admitting paternity, Cleveland paid child support for many years.

Republicans accused Cleveland of immorality. He countered by maintaining that despite his indiscretion, he had kept his professional integrity — while painting his opponent, James G. Blaine, as a corrupt official at the mercy of Wall Street.

Cleveland won by a wide electoral margin, although the popular vote was considerably closer. And while he got the last laugh, his supporters may have had the best. When Republicans jeered at Cleveland's rallies, chanting, "Ma, Ma, where's my pa?" Democrats would respond, "Off to the White House, ha, ha, ha!"

View the full list for "Top 10 Embarrassing Things that Didn't Stop People from Getting Elected"

White Hooded Bigotry Disguised as a Tea Party
Sunday, February 07, 2010  at 10:38 AM

What is with these 'Tea Party' people? Are they insane or just blinded by hatred?
Their whole agenda seems to be nothing more than bashing Democrats and the Obama administration. They have no solutions for getting out of the ditch that they put our country in, just juvenile bashing! Ludicrous!!

One thing that is pretty evident, they run on white hooded hated disguised as a tea party. I live in the South and I know this mentality when I see it. You can try and hide it under a white hood or any color hood, you can try to hide it in an 'endearing' title but its ugly face always shines through its translucent bigotry.

She delivered the keynote address Saturday at the tea party convention, using it to hammer Obama as soft on terrorism. When convention organizer Judson Phillips mentioned the idea of "President Palin" in a question-and-answer session afterward, audience members leapt to their feet and burst into a chant of "Run, Sarah, Run."
Palin 'Would Be Willing' to Take On Obama in 2012

Who in their right mind would vote for not only a quitter but an incompetent candidate? Which she has already proven. Her followers are blinded by their own similarities I guess.

Palin's Integrity-Zero
Friday, February 05, 2010  at 12:22 PM

Palin e-mails suggest husband's role in governing
The plot thickens with this strange family doesn't it?
Records: Palin cabins not noted in tax assessments
Amazing what power can do for ya! No accountability! How far would that go if just plain old Joe Blow did not abide by our tax laws? Prison probably.
How is it possible for this person to capture an audience much less have a fan base? Insane! She is the most incompetent person I have ever seen in my entire life!!. I mean, well, she may be an excellent house wife or den mother, and as long as her lips stick is on straight, an awesome soccer mom, but a political.... anything?
Palin's campaign against the "R-word" hits snag with Limbaugh
The hypocrisy continues!
Sarah Palin's Tea Party gig raises eyebrows
Sarah Palin's plan to deliver the keynote address – for a fee – at next month's first-ever National Tea Party Convention is getting renewed attention in light of her rejection Thursday of an invitation to speak at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference.
Unbelievable!! Who would even consider paying Palin 5 dollars to speak?

Is it Spring yet?
Thursday, February 04, 2010  at 10:08 AM

I cannot wait till Spring! I'm sick of the cold.
I hope this font isn't too large for most folks. I do have to be able to see it myself, hehe.
I've been working on this thing all day long and I'm pooped!
I think I may lay down awhile, in between my wash loads.
I'll work on this again tomorrow. I want to change some of the font colors for sure. Well, have an awesome day!