What is with these 'Tea Party' people? Are they insane or just blinded by hatred?
Their whole agenda seems to be nothing more than bashing Democrats and the Obama administration. They have no solutions for getting out of the ditch that they put our country in, just juvenile bashing! Ludicrous!!
One thing that is pretty evident, they run on white hooded hated disguised as a tea party. I live in the South and I know this mentality when I see it. You can try and hide it under a white hood or any color hood, you can try to hide it in an 'endearing' title but its ugly face always shines through its translucent bigotry.
She delivered the keynote address Saturday at the tea party convention, using it to hammer Obama as soft on terrorism. When convention organizer Judson Phillips mentioned the idea of "President Palin" in a question-and-answer session afterward, audience members leapt to their feet and burst into a chant of "Run, Sarah, Run."
Palin 'Would Be Willing' to Take On Obama in 2012
Who in their right mind would vote for not only a quitter but an incompetent candidate? Which she has already proven. Her followers are blinded by their own similarities I guess.
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