Neb. city votes to restrict illegal immigration
FREMONT, Neb. – This small Nebraska meatpacking town has joined Arizona at the center of a national debate about illegal immigration after voters approved a ban on hiring or renting property to illegal immigrants, but an expected court challenge could keep the measure from ever taking effect.
There is a difference between being illegal and immigrant.
Illegal immigrants act as though the laws are against immigrants, not so, it's against illegal immigrants.
Notice the key word in bold used 3 times in one + sentence, explaining the simple fact of being illegal, not being an immigrant.
The discrimination is against being illegal. Shouldn't we all take a stand-discriminate against crime? Being a habitual law breaker is being a criminal, taking from society instead of contributing to society.
Want to be an American citizen and live here freely or be an illegal immigrant to freely break our laws?
It's long past due for these changes in our laws to take place. I for one am very impressed and commend Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer .
She refuses to flinch! That is exactly what we need to fight this illegal immigrant issue! Now Nebraska has joined!
Please take note: I am the farthest thing from being a republican, and would rather clean an anaconda's cage... while he's still in it! than to be a republican;... But I tell you what, this stand Brewer has made shifts my feelings in a direction I never thought could.

Awesome, another state joins us. I never understood what part of "illegal" all the protesters couldn't understand.
No inmigrante ilegal
Apparently, the federal government is going to sue us now.
Feds to sue AZ
It will be interesting to see the government sue itself. If only more states would join. I think money (greed) is what has kept this illegal immigrant problem going on for so many years anyway.
The thing is, unemployment is getting worse and will even worsen as months roll on. Jobs that are illegally acquired will just have to go in order for our legal citizens to have a job, to pay taxes and so on.
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