Deadly Beauty

Next on the list, an unusual, graceful bloom is to blame...the ANGEL'S TRUMPET (datura stramonium). It's other names include JIMSON WEED, STINK WEED, LOCO WEED and DEVIL'S SNARE. Loco weed is the best description as this lovely specimen is a potent hallucinogen. However, a small "mistake" can lead to a fatal overdose! Just say "no" to drugs!!!

I have this all over my yard, and my neighbor has a huge tree of it. It's gorgeous. I had no idea it was deadly!! until I came across this Blog, "Garden in Paradise" this morning, awesome! Tons of information on deadly plants. I hope she doesn't mind that I'm using her pic of this deadly beauty. If so, just let me know (if you see it here) and I'll remove it.


Kimberly said...

Beckadee, I'm flattered you would add a blurb from my post to your blog! Thank you for the mention! I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, though. I extracted my oleander yesterday. I'm glad I've found your glad you found mine!

beckadee said...

Hi Kimberly! I wanted to leave a comment on your blog but saw you had a problem with the comments not showing up. I'm have a time with that as well.
Thank you for replying!

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